9-11 Sep 2015 Paris (France)
Adoption, transformation, reinterpretation : the evolution of Northern Kyūshū burial systems during the Yayoi period and their connection with those of the Korean peninsula (5th c. BC – AD 3rd c.)
Linda Gilaizeau  1@  
1 : Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales  (INALCO)  -  Website
2 rue de Lille 75007 Paris -  France

The Yayoi culture was born from the encounter in Northern Kyūshū of populations arrived from the Korean peninsula and native Japanese populations of Jomon culture around the 5th century BC. The exchanges with the societies of the Southern Korean peninsula are uninterrupted during all the Yayoi period and are visible in settlement and even more in burials. The study of the evolution of funeral practices, as much in terms of architecture as in terms of burial goods, cemeteries organization or burying practices, allows us to portray a contrasted evolution of the treatment of the dead throughout the period. As markers of the progressive transformation of the Yayoi societies from the 5th century BC to the 3rd century AD, the Northern Kyūshū tombs also attest to the relationships between the Japanese archipelago and the Korean peninsula through similarities and differences that can be observed in the burial features. Thus, we can suggest an evolution in several phases for the cemeteries of Northern Kyūshū. These different phases reflect phenomena of adoption, abandon and reinterpretation of the continental burial culture but they also show clearly original evolutions, resulting from societies with a well defined identity compared to its continental neighbours.

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